19 April 2023

Why You Need White Box Penetration Testing

Our main service is in penetration testing. At Cyrex, we believe in making the digital world safer for all involved. This testing focuses on discovering and revealing potential or existing vulnerabilities in your code. And we’ve discussed the three types that we offer, black, grey, and white box penetration testing.  

As the digital world has evolved, the malicious actors and hackers have evolved right alongside it. As technology grows in capacity, like ChatGPT and other machine learning technology, the old tricks don’t play as well. The Cyrex team have always spoken about the cybersecurity world as a digital arms race between the security engineers and the hackers. We’ve come to the point where the old standards don’t cut it. Let’s discuss why white box penetration testing is now the necessity and best thing for your cybersecurity.  

Cyrex and White Box Penetration Testing

Over the last five years, our teams have encouraged and pushed our clients to engage with white box penetration testing. Given our quality and successful security as the gold-standard in cybersecurity offerings, we’re proud to say 90% of all of our security engagements are now white box testing. Reviewing our clients’ code, understanding where they stand, and tackling vulnerabilities at their basest level means we can say we’ve helped make our clients more secure and safer online.  

Many other security companies still sell black box testing as standard. We cannot stress enough that black box testing simply doesn’t meet the standards anymore. It can be challenging to hand over your source code to a third party, we understand. But aside from a selling point, black box penetration testing testing falls short in every other avenue.  

Our security engineers are always engaging with manual source code reviews and because of this, we can offer our highest standard. But the prevalence of black box testing means many of our peers lack the skills and experience to deliver quality, gold-standard testing. Why does this matter?  

New Standards: White Box Penetration Testing

Given the rising competency of machine learning and AI technology, coding has become more accessible. The ability to simply input a request and have a perfectly good payload delivered means hackers have an easier time than ever. The difficulty of reverse engineering code to abuse it has been made easier than ever. Discovering vulnerabilities is no longer an arcane art for experienced coders. And we’re doing our best to fight back! The security engineers at Cyrex are always looking for ways to increase their quality and productivity, such as utilising the same AI technology in our own penetration tests.  

What this all means is that without a ground-up, source code review, you have become more vulnerable than ever. The security of your application, your website, your game, regardless of previous grey and black box testing has grown uncertain. The digital world has always moved forward at a terrifying pace, now it is sprinting, leaping, and bounding. And we are working hard to keep our clients secure as we match that pace.  

Where once black box testing was something we advised against, as an inferior penetration testing method, now it has almost become a liability. It gives rise to a mentality of believing that their digital presence is secure and tested but they are only more vulnerable with every passing day. We heavily recommend that, if you haven’t already, engage with the Cyrex team in white box penetration testing and ensure that you are as safe as possible in the digital space.

Don’t miss out on the gold-standard of cybersecurity. When it comes to all things cybersecurity, look no further than the Cyrex team for quality and passion for your digital safety. Get in touch today and get secure.


Q: How does white box penetration testing differ from black and grey box testing in terms of methodology and effectiveness?

A: White box penetration testing differs from black and grey box testing primarily in its approach to analyzing vulnerabilities. While black box testing involves testing without any knowledge of the system's internal workings and grey box testing involves limited knowledge, white box testing entails a comprehensive examination of the system's source code and internal structure. This depth of insight allows for a more thorough identification of vulnerabilities and potential exploits, making white box testing generally more effective in uncovering hidden security flaws.

Q: How does Cyrex ensure the confidentiality and security of clients' source code during white box penetration testing engagements, especially considering the sensitivity of this information?

A:Cyrex ensures the confidentiality and security of clients' source code during white box penetration testing engagements through rigorous security protocols and strict access controls. Measures such as encryption, secure data storage, and limited access to authorized personnel only are implemented to safeguard sensitive information. Additionally, Cyrex may utilize non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or other legal agreements to formalize confidentiality obligations and protect clients' intellectual property.

Q: Are there any regulatory compliance considerations or industry standards that recommend or require white box penetration testing, and how does Cyrex assist clients in meeting these requirements?

A: Regulatory compliance considerations and industry standards may vary depending on the sector and geographic location of the client. Cyrex assists clients in navigating these requirements by staying updated on relevant regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, and aligning their testing methodologies with industry best practices. By conducting white box penetration testing, Cyrex helps clients demonstrate compliance with security standards and regulatory mandates, thereby reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties and enhancing trust among stakeholders.