28 June 2023

Into Realspace: Agile Product Development with Scrum in a SaaS Landscape

Have you ever had a brilliant idea for a SaaS product? Its potential is there, but what can you do to bring that potential into the world? The answer is in Agile methodologies, specifically Scrum.  

Agile methodologies run on a workflow of adaptability and flexibility. They enable swift changes to both your own and customer needs as well as any sudden moves in market trends. In the constantly changing SaaS industry, the capacity for rapid change is huge.  

Scrum Approach

The Scrum workflow offers a great framework for effective Agile development. The consistent communication and interactions mean you have a roadmap that stays up to date and constant. A north star guiding the team through the process. Scrum allows the product development journey to be broken into smaller, manageable ‘sprints’. Rather than an unwieldly larger beast.  

These sprints usually last around two to four weeks and involve a cross-functional team collaborating. The goals are set for each sprint, the tasks are planned, and then the teams rush to complete them as efficiently as possible. Thanks to its regular check-ins, that’s where Scrum thrives. Transparency means the team have a wide and constant view on the progress, allowing for inspection and adaptation.  

Agile Product Development and Product Vision

Product vision is a key principle for the Scrum approach. The compass guiding your team to the evolving vision and goal. It helps everyone to understand their purpose and how it serves the direction of the product. A strong vision can keep the team inspired and focused on what matters most for the best result of the development.  

But the vision alone will only take you so far. The roadmap, clear and defined, is helped hugely by a Scrum’s product backlog. The product backlog is a prioritised list of all the features, enhancements, and bugfixes required or that need addressing. This is a living document that evolves with feedback and from the results of each sprint.  

Some of these items are selected by the team for each sprint. With collaboration and communication, the goal is to finish the sprint and cross a few of these off at a time. Once each sprint is completed, the team will show their progress in a sprint review and gather feedback from stakeholders.  

Scrum Framework and Communication

Retrospective meetings are also incorporated by the Scrum method. These meetings are a great opportunity to reflect on what went well, what didn’t work, what didn’t work as planned, and what could be improved. The ongoing learning cycle is fantastic for a culture of innovation and accountability.  

Utilizing a Scrum framework means empowering your team to deliver incremental value frequently. Instead of months for a finished product, or a year even, you can release regular updates and new features. This iterative approach allows a constant gathering of feedback from early on and allows the team to make adjustments as they progress.  

In the dynamic SaaS landscape, Agile product development with Scrum changes the game. It enables a fluid and confident approach to uncertainty, allows quick and efficient changes, and helps our teams deliver products that meet and exceed our customers’ needs. If you’re looking to fulfil your SaaS dream, get in touch with us today and enjoy the gold-standard in product development.