1 August 2024

Cybersecurity and Load Testing: Evolving Gaming Landscape in 2024 & 2025

There’s been some phenomenal evolutions and changes in the gaming landscape over the past five to ten years. Huge leaps in technology, the rise of photorealism, the rise of the battle royale and the live service model. With all of these, the gaming industry has flourished and grown exponentially. As experts in cybersecurity and load testing, we watched the rising scale and scope with a mixture of awe and hope.  

Now, we’re delighted to say that the hope was well-placed!  

Cybersecurity concerns in the past decade

If we were having this conversation even five years ago, it would be a very different tone. Back then, we often had to deal with questions not of scale and scope for penetration testing and cybersecurity. Instead, we often were met with, “why should we do this?”. The issue wasn’t with the execution of cybersecurity services, it was the sheer lack of knowledge and awareness of them!  

These past few years, from our cybersecurity point of view, we’ve seen such positive change and an evolving landscape that is very promising. The rising security maturity and load testing awareness in the industry is such a lovely sight.  

Why has the attitude to cybersecurity and load testing changed?

In our opinion, it’s a very natural growth and progression. Digital security issues are far more commonplace now. Performance scalability and preparing for a big launch are common challenges met by every game developer. Five or ten years ago, the need wasn’t as desperate. Cybersecurity threats were far fewer and less mature. There weren’t nearly as many players and most games were offline and single player focused.  

Now, the gaming industry is defined by giants and they’re setting standards. There’s a competition with those standards and a demand from both player and game developers. Player expectations have changed so much both in quality and in delivery. Look at localization! There once was a time you just delivered in English or your main language and forgot about the rest. Today, a lack of localization is a huge negative for many players.  

With the growing scale of the gaming industry, the threats to cybersecurity and the requirements for load testing are far higher. Games are developed with new content drops in mind. Multiplayer focused games and live service titles, new content, new releases, new functionalities, all being dropped post-launch. The need for cybersecurity and load testing are now measured alongside the huge investment being put into these games. This, for us, means a safer and more stable digital landscape.  

What does that mean for Cyrex?

Truly, we’re just delighted to see such an awareness and consideration for cybersecurity and load testing. It’s always been our goal, a safe, secure, and stable digital world. We’re seeing huge publishers instituting and mandating testing which is a massive step forward. If your title is a multiplayer focused one, there is an absolute requirement for proper penetration testing and load testing.    On top of that, we’re seeing these big names seek out technical depth as part of the due diligence process. Security, performance, software development points of view all being considered when acquiring a new IP or application.   

This is absolutely fantastic to see from our point of view. It means a safer and more stable gaming world for all involved.  

Cybersecurity and Load Testing with Cyrex

Of course, we have more than that reason to be happy about! At Cyrex, our teams and dedicated tools are the only place you can find both services in one place at this quality for gaming. Our penetration testers, security engineers, and load testing specialists are all gaming experts, delivering a quality of service that our peers could only dream of.  

While the big names in gaming are setting the standard for video game expectations, Cyrex is setting the standard for cybersecurity and load testing. Our penetration testing and load testing teams are unparalleled. With our pair hacking method and our proprietary Cyrex Swarm and Protoceptor technologies, we promise your game will be as secure and stable as possible. Look no further for digital excellence than Cyrex.  

Get in touch today to take advantage of our expertise and talent. We are the first and foremost when it comes to cybersecurity and load testing. If you want the gold standard, look no further than Cyrex.